Tryon Depot Garden
Tryon Depot Garden
Since the 1940’s, the Tryon Garden Club Civic Beautification Committee has maintained the Tryon Depot Garden located at the corner of Pacolet and Depot streets in downtown Tryon. Considered a “gem” by many, residents and visitors can enjoy a relaxing break on one of the comfortable benches overlooking Trade Street.
In the past five years, the Civic Beautification team has added native plants and shrubs to the garden. A native rock garden can be found in the center island bed with many of the plants and rocks brought from the Pearson’s Falls property. Our projects have been generously supported by Kirby Endowment Grants through the Polk County Community Foundation and the Town of Tryon.

The Garden has been awarded a Monarch Butterfly Waystation designation that creates and protects monarch habitat and is listed in the International Monarch Butterfly Waystation Registry. In the past two years, the committee has added more native plants to the garden and has been designated as a Homegrown National Park.
Plants that provide food for larva and butterflies include Butterfly Weed, Phlox, Daisy, Goldenrod, Asters, Violets, Purple Coneflower, Joe Pye Weed, and Scarlet Sage. Shrubs include many varieties of Azalea and Rhododendron, Oak leaf Hydrangea, native Rose, Spicebush, and Blueberry.